Basic equipment for the horse - What do you need for equestrian sports?

Basic equipment for the horse – what do you need for equestrian sp...
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Basic equipment for the horse – what do you need for equestrian sports?

Equestrian sports require special equipment to protect both horse and rider and ensure the best possible performance. Here is an overview of the basic equipment you will need:

1. Equipment for the horse

  • Saddle : A properly fitted saddle is essential to provide support to the rider and comfort to the horse. There are different types such as dressage, jumping and eventing saddles.
  • Saddle girth : Holds the saddle securely in place.
  • Saddle pad or saddle cloth : Protects the horse's back and saddle from sweat and friction.
  • Bridle : Consists of a bridle and a bit. Important for steering and controlling the horse.
  • Hoof pick : For cleaning the hooves before and after riding.
  • Grooming equipment : Brushes, combs, sponges and hoof balm are necessary to keep the horse clean and well-groomed.
  • Blankets : Depending on the weather conditions and needs, there are different types of blankets, such as sweat blankets, winter blankets or rain blankets.

2. Equipment for the rider

  • Riding helmet : Protects the head and is an absolute must for safety.
  • Riding boots or ankle boots with chaps : Provide support and protection for the legs.
  • Riding breeches : Specially padded trousers for comfort and grip in the saddle.
  • Riding gloves : Protect the hands and provide a better grip on the reins.
  • Safety vest : Particularly important in show jumping and eventing to protect the upper body.
  • Riding boot bag with helmet compartment : to protect your equipment

3. Additional equipment

  • Boots and bandages : Protect the horse's legs during intensive work or jumping.
  • Lunging equipment : For training on the lunge, such as lunging belt and lunge line.
  • Fly protection : Blankets or masks to protect the horse from insects.
  • Hoof boots : alternatives or additions to horseshoes when the horse goes barefoot.

This basic equipment ensures that both you as a rider and your horse are well equipped for equestrian sports. Have fun and success riding! 🐎🌟

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Designed in Germany. Since 2007.
Designed in Germany. Since 2007.
Designed in Germany. Since 2007.
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Designed in Germany. Since 2007.
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